Decide with data
Joseph Rutakangwa
Eric Sewankambo


Los Angeles, CA



Bonfire Lead

Company description

Rwazi is a market intelligence platform for local and multinational consumer goods companies seeking to gain a competitive edge in developing markets. Their platform provides real-time, actionable data on who is buying what, for how much, from where, when, and why. Rwazi's proprietary data analytics software provides a deep understanding of consumer behavior and preferences, empowering businesses to make informed decisions that drive revenue and expansion.

Why solve this problem?

We believe it is important to solve the problem of providing multinational companies with actionable data from emerging markets for several reasons.

Firstly, emerging markets represent a significant growth opportunity for businesses looking to expand their reach and revenue. However, the lack of reliable data from these markets can be a major obstacle for businesses looking to tap into these opportunities.

Secondly, by leveraging a network of local consumers, Rwazi is able to provide real-time insights into consumer behavior and market trends that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. This information can help businesses make more informed decisions when it comes to product development, pricing, distribution, and marketing strategies.

Lastly, Rwazi's platform is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, making it easy for businesses of all sizes to leverage the power of market intelligence. By democratizing access to data and insights from emerging markets, Rwazi is helping to level the playing field and drive more inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Hardest thing about being a founder?
Biggest piece of advice for aspiring founders?
Most exciting moment so far?
Why did you choose Bonfire?
What's it like to work with Bonfire?
Favorite book, useful tool or app?
In the News
Rwazi Awarded 2023 Innovator in Trade by L.A. Area Chamber and World Trade Week Southern California Committee
May 16, 2023
Rwazi to Scale its Market Intelligence Platform with $4 Million Seed Funding
March 23, 2023
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