Using AI to empower nurses, everywhere
Ophir Ronen
Keith Boudreau
Principal Developer
David Garner
Justin Kearns
Data Scientist


Seattle, WA



Bonfire Lead

Company description

We bring data-driven, AI-powered Operations Health, established and evolved in Enterprise IT, to Healthcare. The CalmWave team has decades of experience using empirical evidence, data science, and hard-won best practices to improve employee retention and overall operational efficiency for organizations. Our goal is to empower nurses and administrators to build more equitable, less stressful, efficient work environments resulting in improved retention and patient outcomes.

Who solve this problem?

Alarms in ICUs are a scourge affecting clinicians, patients, and caregivers. Nurses go home after a hard twelve-hour shift and have their PTSD triggered by the beeping of their microwaves. Patients recovering from major surgery and trying to sleep are kept from doing so by beeping next to their heads every few minutes. Add in the fact that 80-99% of these alarms are false positives, and you can understand the gravity of the situation.

Hardest thing about being a founder?
Biggest piece of advice for aspiring founders?
Most exciting moment so far?
Why did you choose Bonfire?
What’s it like to work with Bonfire?
Favorite book, useful tool or app?
In the News
CalmWave Wins GeekWire’s “Health Innovation of the Year” Award
May 13, 2024
How To Build Trust In The Age Of AI
May 2, 2024
The Power of Outside Thinking in Solving Business Problems
January 19, 2024
CalmWave Announces $4 Million to Reduce Nurse Burnout and Alarm Fatigue
April 12, 2023
Combatting Alarm Fatigue in Healthcare: CalmWave CEO Ophir Ronen Interview
April 12, 2023
Top 10 med-tech companies solving real health challenges
April 12, 2023
Why We Invested in CalmWave
Mark Mullen
November 14, 2022
Creating a Less Stressful Environment for Patients and Providers with David Garner
April 12, 2023
HIMSSCast: The Importance of Removing Alarm Fatigue in ICUs
April 12, 2023
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